Self-care Friday: Dad Jokes

Lately I’ve really gotten into dad jokes. Not just in watching youtube videos of people battling it out using one awesome dad joke against another, but to the point of rewriting ones I’ve heard and writing a piece about it. It’s ridiculous, it’s punny, it’s a small moment of joy. That’s why I love it. It doesn’t require you to go to a dark dingy basement at 10pm on a Thursday to sit beside loud men who take up more space with their ego than their voices and jittery aspiring comedians desperate to bring down the house by bringing down other comedians, in order to get a few laughs (if you’re lucky). It doesn’t require you to follow a lengthy set-up full of poorly referenced iconic movies that may or may not have been part of your culture as a professional adult with no time for Hollywood junk. It’s “do you know what a prostitute is?”, and “do you know what spaghetti is?”, then you will know what a person who sells themselves in exchange for spaghetti is. (It’s……. a pasta-tute!) What’s even better is that these mini gems can be repeated to your loved ones (or yourself) at any opportunity for a good dose of silliness and laughs. How can you beat that? There’s nothing more stress-reducing and life-affirming than laughing at absolutely nothing. As I said before, self-care doesn’t always have to be a big to-do. It can be anything where you are taking care of your needs and putting things into perspective. If your silly side needs some nourishment because you have to remain solemnly professional at work or else the whole company will be destroyed by Godzilla, then this is the solution to all your problems! Appreciating these small moments can also help to realize that we don’t have to take things so seriously at all times. There’s joy around you if you just take a look around. Here are my favourite dad jokes right now:

  • What do you call Irish furniture?

Patty O’furniture!

  • What did the Buddhist say to the hot dog vendor?

Make me one with everything!

  • Who built King Arthur’s Round Table?

Sir Cumference!

  • A woman is on trial for beating her husband to death with his guitar collection. Judge says, ‘First offender?’ She says, ‘No, first a Gibson! Then a Fender!'”
  • Is Santa religious?

Nah, he’s eggnog-stic!

So embrace the silliness and spend the day observing your surroundings to see if there’s a dad joke waiting to be made!

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